Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hopes Song on

A big thanks goes out to all of those who came out and supported our "Flights of Hope" event.  The event was a success and we'll have pictures to share soon!  Also wanted to share an article about Hopes Song on, a special thanks to Tim Verbeek and Eva Roberts for helping us promote the event. 

Waiting on my Little Miracle

Becoming pregnant was an unexpected surprise.  I was told that I would have a difficult time having a child.  Part of this is due to my health history…cancer, no thyroid, etc.  But little did I realize this little miracle that is about to take place any day has been a huge blessing to not just me, but to my family and friends.  This little blessing has brought joy, hope, and a lot of love to many.

You see, when we first received the news of my father’s cancer, the news was bad.  The first doctor pretty much told us it was too late and gave us no Hope to beat this.  Time just stopped with that news and I remember so many emotions that rushed over me.  One of my biggest fears was that he would never be able to see a grandchild born.  Little did I know I would be the one to make this happen just a few months later.  This little bundle has brought our family so much hope, so much excitement, and the anticipation is overwhelming. 

This child, who isn’t even here yet, continues to bring hope…..this past year we have been surrounded by a lot of goodbyes….From losing my grandmother, then losing my Aunt, to recently losing my uncle, to the loss of a good family friend’s son a few days ago….I think everyone is just excited to be able to celebrate LIFE…..I could continue to go on how this baby we haven’t met yet has already brought so much HOPE and JOY to many.

I feel truly blessed at this moment in my life and I am so happy to have such wonderful people that surround me.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Power of Positivity

Holding my breath, waiting for the news...

Did we win this battle yet? Are the treatments working? All I can do is sit here and hope that the answer to both these questions is yes.

The doctor comes in and gives my father the results from his recent PET scan. The cancer has not shrunk, but it looks as if it has not spread anymore. Ok we will take that news, not spreading is positive! So, what are the next steps? More chemo and then another PET scan next month to see what the next plan of attack is.

All we can do is stay positive and HOPE that this battle will soon be a victory!

I have to say sometimes in life we are thrown curve balls; whether it be cancer, a loss of a job, a break-up, etc. It is up to us to decide whether we let these curve balls knock us down, or we decide to just hit one out of the park. It's okay to feel pain and to get upset, but no matter what it is, it's truly up to us as individuals to pick ourselves up and continue to LIVE. Learn from those experiences, gain strength from those experiences and LIVE! Remember you only have one chance at it!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Announcing my "Share Hope" Contest

A Piece from my Fall Collection could be named in honor of your loved one's story!

We just launched “Share Hope”; a contest that encourages cancer patients, cancer survivors, or friends and family, to share personal cancer stories and words of hope by submitting audio, video, or an essay at The grand prize winner will have a piece of apparel in my Fall line named after him/her, or their loved one, and feature that individual’s words of hope on the hang tag.

To enter you must create a user name and register as a member at You may upload video/audio entries, blog or post essays on the message board. All entries must be received by June 11, 2010 and include a photo of the person you wish to be honored.

Voting for finalists will begin on June 14th and participants will receive an email with information on the voting process and how your friends and family can vote for your entry. Three finalists will be announced on July 1st and they will be featured on the homepage. Each finalist will receive a gift certificate to be used at The grand prize winner will be selected by a panel of judges and have a piece of apparel named after them or their loved one, which will be announced at the launch of my Fall line.

Every piece that I design for the Hopes Song clothing line has a cancer story behind it. So I hope the ‘Share Hope’ contest will encourage people to tell their stories, because people find strength in others’ stories and it will all result in one person being honored by having a beautiful piece of clothing named for him/her, or their loved one.

Join our fight at and shop for hope at

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Flights for Hope was a Success!

Thanks to all the individuals and sponsoring companies that donated to this event to make this such a successful event.  I am overwhelmed by the support of not just friends, but strangers who showed up to this event.  We really reached a wide variety of people and it seemed everyone was enjoying themselves with plenty of wine and food all in honor of a great cause. 

I always say if you can touch one person’s life…though they may not remember what you said, except for how you made them feel then its all worth it.  I think we did that!!  We have continued in the “Hope”, the “hope” to win this battle………….