Monday, June 21, 2010

My Interview on "Breakfree to Success" Radio Show

Simply scroll down to my show. Thank you for listening and sharing Hopes Song!

Listen to internet radio with Breakfree to Success on Blog Talk Radio

Monday, June 7, 2010

It's estimated that by 2020, 20 million people will be living with a history of Cancer

June 6th was National Cancer Survivors Day.  The American Cancer Society along with many other cancer organizations joined in the annual celebration.  USA Today spotlighted a few of the events happening around the US to celebrate the advancements that have been made in cancer treatments, which allow loved ones to beat cancer and stay in our lives longer.

It's estimated that by 2020 20 million people will be living with a history of Cancer

June 6th was National Cancer Survivors Day.  The American Cancer Society along with many other cancer organizations joined in the annual celebration.  USA Today spotlighted a few of the events happening around the US to celebrate the advancements that have been made in cancer treatments, which allow loved ones to beat cancer and stay in our lives longer.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Finally, Motherhood!

Where do I begin…..well this new journey of motherhood has finally started.  After 2 and a half days of labor, 2 hrs of pushing, and finally a c-section, we welcomed Pierce Guy Kerber into the world, at a healthy 9.8 pounds, 21 inches long!!  He was a little stubborn, but finally decided to join this crazy world.  We were so lucky to share this amazing moment with my parents. 
You think life will change a little, but I can honestly say that I never knew how overwhelming the feelings that came with motherhood would be.  It makes you truly respect what your parents have done for you. 
I have to say I don’t know how people do it with multiples.  One baby takes up so much energy!  Sleepless nights,  feedings and diaper changes is what my life revolves around at the moment.  I never knew I could be so tired, but it is all worth it.  To see him changing everyday becoming more alert and learning about his little personality is so much fun.  I'm sure many moms can relate.  We are excited for this journey and only HOPE we can help guide him to reach his highest potentials!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hopes Song on

A big thanks goes out to all of those who came out and supported our "Flights of Hope" event.  The event was a success and we'll have pictures to share soon!  Also wanted to share an article about Hopes Song on, a special thanks to Tim Verbeek and Eva Roberts for helping us promote the event. 

Waiting on my Little Miracle

Becoming pregnant was an unexpected surprise.  I was told that I would have a difficult time having a child.  Part of this is due to my health history…cancer, no thyroid, etc.  But little did I realize this little miracle that is about to take place any day has been a huge blessing to not just me, but to my family and friends.  This little blessing has brought joy, hope, and a lot of love to many.

You see, when we first received the news of my father’s cancer, the news was bad.  The first doctor pretty much told us it was too late and gave us no Hope to beat this.  Time just stopped with that news and I remember so many emotions that rushed over me.  One of my biggest fears was that he would never be able to see a grandchild born.  Little did I know I would be the one to make this happen just a few months later.  This little bundle has brought our family so much hope, so much excitement, and the anticipation is overwhelming. 

This child, who isn’t even here yet, continues to bring hope…..this past year we have been surrounded by a lot of goodbyes….From losing my grandmother, then losing my Aunt, to recently losing my uncle, to the loss of a good family friend’s son a few days ago….I think everyone is just excited to be able to celebrate LIFE…..I could continue to go on how this baby we haven’t met yet has already brought so much HOPE and JOY to many.

I feel truly blessed at this moment in my life and I am so happy to have such wonderful people that surround me.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Power of Positivity

Holding my breath, waiting for the news...

Did we win this battle yet? Are the treatments working? All I can do is sit here and hope that the answer to both these questions is yes.

The doctor comes in and gives my father the results from his recent PET scan. The cancer has not shrunk, but it looks as if it has not spread anymore. Ok we will take that news, not spreading is positive! So, what are the next steps? More chemo and then another PET scan next month to see what the next plan of attack is.

All we can do is stay positive and HOPE that this battle will soon be a victory!

I have to say sometimes in life we are thrown curve balls; whether it be cancer, a loss of a job, a break-up, etc. It is up to us to decide whether we let these curve balls knock us down, or we decide to just hit one out of the park. It's okay to feel pain and to get upset, but no matter what it is, it's truly up to us as individuals to pick ourselves up and continue to LIVE. Learn from those experiences, gain strength from those experiences and LIVE! Remember you only have one chance at it!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Announcing my "Share Hope" Contest

A Piece from my Fall Collection could be named in honor of your loved one's story!

We just launched “Share Hope”; a contest that encourages cancer patients, cancer survivors, or friends and family, to share personal cancer stories and words of hope by submitting audio, video, or an essay at The grand prize winner will have a piece of apparel in my Fall line named after him/her, or their loved one, and feature that individual’s words of hope on the hang tag.

To enter you must create a user name and register as a member at You may upload video/audio entries, blog or post essays on the message board. All entries must be received by June 11, 2010 and include a photo of the person you wish to be honored.

Voting for finalists will begin on June 14th and participants will receive an email with information on the voting process and how your friends and family can vote for your entry. Three finalists will be announced on July 1st and they will be featured on the homepage. Each finalist will receive a gift certificate to be used at The grand prize winner will be selected by a panel of judges and have a piece of apparel named after them or their loved one, which will be announced at the launch of my Fall line.

Every piece that I design for the Hopes Song clothing line has a cancer story behind it. So I hope the ‘Share Hope’ contest will encourage people to tell their stories, because people find strength in others’ stories and it will all result in one person being honored by having a beautiful piece of clothing named for him/her, or their loved one.

Join our fight at and shop for hope at

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Flights for Hope was a Success!

Thanks to all the individuals and sponsoring companies that donated to this event to make this such a successful event.  I am overwhelmed by the support of not just friends, but strangers who showed up to this event.  We really reached a wide variety of people and it seemed everyone was enjoying themselves with plenty of wine and food all in honor of a great cause. 

I always say if you can touch one person’s life…though they may not remember what you said, except for how you made them feel then its all worth it.  I think we did that!!  We have continued in the “Hope”, the “hope” to win this battle………….

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Nutrition Advice from the National Cancer Institute

Diet is often an overlooked subject for cancer patients, but eating the right nutritional foods for strength and energy is just as important as taking the proper medication.
Cancer diets involve eating the correct amounts of protein and calories as well as drinking the right amount of water to keep the ailing body replenished and energized.  The body needs plenty of nourishment when it is going through chemotherapy or when the patient is taking cancer-related medications.
Eating Guidelines from the National Cancer Institute
The following suggestions from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) may be helpful if you have difficulty eating or a loss of appetite even when you are feeling well with cancer:
  • Eat small, frequent meals (every one to two hours).
  • Eat high-protein and high-calorie foods (including snacks).
  • Avoid food that can cause nausea and eat things that are enticing, do not drink liquids with your meals.
  • Try to eat when you are feeling the best, no matter what time of day.
  • Use meal substitutes, such as high-calorie, high-protein drinks, when you do not feel like eating.
  • Try to increase your appetite through light exercise or appetite stimulants including a glass of wine or beer, if allowed.
  • Add extra calories and protein to food using foods such as butter, skim milk powder, honey, or brown sugar.
  • Take your medications with high-calorie fluids.
  • Eat foods at room temperature.
  • Avoid spicy foods or foods with strong odors.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Keeping Hope Alive with Cord Blood

I am expecting and I have officially decided to bank my baby's cord blood and here are some reasons why and what others should know:

Your baby's cord blood is a rich source of stem cells, the building blocks of our blood and immune system. Cord blood transplants can currently treat over 70 diseases and new purposes for it are constantly being discovered. Currently, to take advantage of emerging regenerative medicine applications, one's own cells are needed for treatment. On top of this your baby's cord blood has the potential to save a family members life, a family member that may even have cancer.

Banking cord blood is an investment and a precautionary measure that you hope can help you if needed but one that you also hope you never have to use. With all the continued research they are finding other diseases that stem cells can aid. I think this step is an important one, especially because of my family's health history with cancer.

My father is currently in the heart of his battle with a very rare form of cancer, melanoma of the esophagus. There has only been approximately 250 other cases ever reported and it is a silent cancer. Most people do not know they have it until it's in its later stages. Who knows, maybe he will be a match and my baby's cord blood will be able to help him. All I know is that by banking cord blood I'm keeping hope alive.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Finding Hope and Keeping the Faith

Each day Cancer takes a life…….Sometimes you wonder why we cant just figure this disease out.  Why does it consistently “linger”  and sometimes kill.  I lost my Uncle on Monday from Cancer.  Cancer snuck back into his life and didn’t give him more then a month to live.  He left behind 3 children, 4 grandchildren, and a loving wife.  As my Aunt said, I just prayed for him to  have comfort and her prayers were answered.  He can now feel no pain, but peace.  This story seems unfortunately too common  these days.  This battle is ongoing.  It’s a battle we have to continue to face head on and a battle we can only “HOPE” and continue to have faith that we will one day be able to defeat.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Never Giving Up Hope

After watching a movie tonight I was inspired to write this post.  The movie ended in such a positive light with the line,“The one thing I can walk away with is Hope”.   Such a strong message, because truly that’s all we can ever have.  Once you lose Hope, you lose everything.  Believe me there are times where you question what you believe, you question your strength,  you question Hope.  And when times get tough we have to find it within ourselves to fight and to never give up.  We only get one chance to live this life, so try to take in every moment life offers.  Its what we choose to do with this gift.  We are all tested daily, that’s for sure……But I think we all forget how precious life truly is.  My only advice tonight is to just never give up hope and LIVE!! 

Monday, March 29, 2010

Helping Others While Sipping Wine in Hermosa Beach

We are always trying to find fun ways to include the community when raising money to help others.  It looks like we are on track for a wine tasting event in Hermosa Beach at Sangria at the end of April.  We are in the midst of planning all the details, but are excited to raise money to help others and of course indulge ourselves with great wine, food, and friends!

More details to come sure to join our community at Hopes Song!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Recent Trunk Show Inspired Me & My Fall Collection

I recently had a small trunk show at the new Denim and Pearls in Galeburg IL.  I am always amazed at the amount of support and interest people have in the line and in Hopes Song.  Its such a good feeling to see a group of people come together for the same purpose and that is to share in the "Hope" the hope to  continue to fight and to flush cancer down the toilet!

At this event a young girl came up to me and said that she had gone on to the site and read my story.  She too battled thyroid cancer and wanted to meet another person who had gone through a similar situation.  Its always nice to share your story with someone who can completely relate to the emotions and the changes your body goes through.  The continous struggle to regulate your metabolism and hormones due to no thyroid can be grueling.  Your emotions can go from high to low, your weight continuously fluctuates, and your sleep can be completely disturbed.  You sometimes feel like a bit of a train wreck….  I spoke to her for some-time and at the end of our conversation, surprised her with naming a piece of the fall collection after her.  To see the expression and gratitude on her face was priceless…it brought tears to not only her eyes but to mine and to one of the owners of the store.  You know its sometimes the simple things in life that make the biggest difference.  Though I only met her for a short time I was impressed with her positive attitude and just how kind-hearted of a person she is.  I cant wait to share her words of “Hope” for the fall collection.  Stay tuned……..

Monday, March 22, 2010

I am a Cancer Survivor & This is My Song of Hope

I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer on my 26th birthday and it changed my life alright, for the better! I realized a dream and started truly living.

I founded the Hopes Song community for everyone effected by cancer to learn more about this disease. It’s a social network where people can get the funding they need to pay for treatments, hospital visits or doctors’ appointments, and, engage with others to find the hope and encouragement needed to survive the fight.

The mission of Hopes Song is to unite an online community, connect with people, enrich lives and fight this battle as one. I hope you'll share your songs of hope here on our blog and within the Hopes Song community.