Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Finally, Motherhood!

Where do I begin…..well this new journey of motherhood has finally started.  After 2 and a half days of labor, 2 hrs of pushing, and finally a c-section, we welcomed Pierce Guy Kerber into the world, at a healthy 9.8 pounds, 21 inches long!!  He was a little stubborn, but finally decided to join this crazy world.  We were so lucky to share this amazing moment with my parents. 
You think life will change a little, but I can honestly say that I never knew how overwhelming the feelings that came with motherhood would be.  It makes you truly respect what your parents have done for you. 
I have to say I don’t know how people do it with multiples.  One baby takes up so much energy!  Sleepless nights,  feedings and diaper changes is what my life revolves around at the moment.  I never knew I could be so tired, but it is all worth it.  To see him changing everyday becoming more alert and learning about his little personality is so much fun.  I'm sure many moms can relate.  We are excited for this journey and only HOPE we can help guide him to reach his highest potentials!


  1. Love it! Congrats and don't forget to take of yourself while taking care of little man. A few weeks after I had Kellen, Shannon got me a spa day (massage, mani, pedi). It got me a little time to myself and allowed Daddy and baby to bond!

  2. This baby will change your life in more ways that you can imagine! Treasure every moment and take lots of pictures and videos. It goes by way too fast!
